

日本及びベトナム両国の国歌演奏に続いて、ベトナム社会主義共和国総領事チャン ドゥック ビン氏のご挨拶があり、2017年には天皇皇后両陛下と安倍総理大臣がベトナムを訪問し、日越関係にとって重要な年にあたることを強調しました。

その他、大阪府副知事 新井氏、岡山県美作市長 萩原氏、大阪府堺市長 竹山氏、認定NPO法人日越関西友好協会会長の西村氏、特定非営利活動法人日越堺友好協会理事長の加藤氏からご挨拶があり、関西担当大使の鈴木氏が乾杯の音頭を取られました。

Participation in the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

On September 1, 2017, we received an invitation by the consulate-general of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to participate in the celebrations for the 72nd anniversary of the republic`s founding. Chief Director Matsuoka and a member of staff attended the reception.
The guests consisted mainly of representatives of different foreign governmental institutions of the Kansai area, politicians and of representatives of organizations working in the field of the mutual friendship between Japan and Vietnam. Many persons had found the time to participate in the reception and the event was held in a lively atmosphere.

After a brass band hand performed the national anthems of both countries Consul General Tran Duc Binh held his greeting speech, emphasizing how important the year 2017 has been until now for the connection between Vietnam and Japan, because not only the emperor and the empress of Japan have visited Vietnam, but also Prime minister Abe visited the country and will be visiting again within the year.

Other greetings were delivered by the vice governor of Osaka prefecture, the mayor of Mimasaka (Okayama prefecture), the mayor of Sakai (Osaka prefecture) and the chairmen of the Japanese-Vietnamese friendship associations of Kansai and Sakai. Finally, a toast was held by Ambassador for Kansai Mr. Suzuki.

The event was held in the form of a buffet party, where the participants could enjoy various foods while listening to a chorus preforming famous songs from Japan and Vietnam alike.
